Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ

Local Leadership at the UN Forum: Transformation Towards More Sustainable and Creative Societies

Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ
Местные власти на Форуме ООН: трансформация в сторону более устойчивых и творческих обществ

At the 2019 UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) that recently took place in New-York (USA), local and regional governments called for accelerated action to localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Global Taskforce, which brings together the constituency of local governments and their associations, hosted a Local and Regional Governments Day with the presence of Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of UN-Habitat, and the President of the General Assembly María Fernanda Espinosa. On this day, the member states who are committed to achieving the SDGs, will be called upon to involve local governments at all stages of the decision-making process. For only through co-creation between spheres of government will we be able to drive change in the global governance system.

The delegation of more than 130 local and regional government representatives has organized their presence at the HLPF around Local2030, a multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together local governments, national governments, civil society, and the private sector to discuss experiences and strengthen local knowledge, connecting all stakeholders to collaborate and accelerate action to achieve the SDGs.

Taking into account the Seville Commitment, local and regional governments issue a call to cement a local-global movement to accelerate the localization of development agendas, and to place local governments and citizens at the core of political action, because only by promoting this territorial cohesion and co-creating strategies and alliances between all spheres of government will we be able to achieve the change we want for the world and for future generations.

Within the framework of this High Level Political Forum, the third Local and Regional governments’ report to the HLPF is presented. It shows how their mobilization for the localization of SDGs has spread across all continents. At the same time, it shows how national governments still have work to do in order to integrate local perspectives, since only 49 countries out of 143 consulted local and regional governments in the national coordination mechanisms for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


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