Eurasia Regional Section of the World organization "United Cities and Local Governments"

Буэнос-Айрес – культурная столица мира!

Buenos Aires is the Cultural Capital of the World

Буэнос-Айрес – культурная столица мира!

III UCLG Culture Summit will be held in a plural, diverse, vibrant, welcoming city, Buenos Aires (Argentina) on 3-5 April 2018.

The UCLG Culture Summit is the main meeting point at global level of cities, local governments and other stakeholders that are committed to the effective implementation of policies and programs on culture and sustainability. The theme of the Summit is “Culture in Sustainable Development. Cities Lead”.

The Summit is a forum for knowledge-sharing, peer-learning and networking among cities and local governments. It expects to gather approximately 500 participants from all world regions. Over three days, the Summit will combine plenary sessions, smaller and thematic parallel sessions, project presentations and networking spaces.

In the frameworks of the Summit the participants will discuss the role of culture in the sustainable development at the local level and will give visibility to international debates on culture, cities and sustainable development.

Culture is becoming a key priority for your local government.
You want to find out how to implement cultural rights at the local level.
You want to discover and learn from Buenos Aires, one of the world’s strongest cultural cities.
You believe that the Sustainable Development Goals are a fundamental framework for local policies, including in the field of culture.
You work in a national or international network related to cultural policies and governance.
You want to contribute to strengthening culture in future global development agendas.
You are part of your city’s cultural scene and want to contribute to its development.

You don’t know enough about culture and sustainable cities but are ready to LEARN!


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